PMV Security Services is Phai Manh Viet Security Services?
Recently there is a new popular television program named Phai Manh Viet (Vietnamese strong man). The program has the presence of the beautiful singer Minh Hang in MC. It overlaps, Phai Manh Viet has the first three letters PMV. Initially a number of PMV security guards are excited to say that PMV is Phai Manh Viet. Then, some people also misunderstood that PMV is Phai Manh Viet..
PMV is Phai Manh Viet ?
PMV® is a trading name and also the name of a registered trademark of Phat Minh Vuong Security Services Company Limited. PMV means P for Prevention, M for Management and V for Verification.
In which:
– Prevention is preventing customers from risks.
– Management is managing well assets for clients and manage even the security guards.
– Verification is rechecking. Sometimes we do not check and this will lead to errors they did not know.
So calling “Phai Manh Viet” of PMV security guards is just the gag.